6 films that actually rival the books (but don’t quite win)

I’m one of those annoying people you probably don’t want to go to the cinema with, because no matter how much you love the movie we just watched together, I’ll instantly tell you that it just wasn’t as good as the book. You liked The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Sorry, I’m going to bitch about it all the way home. You thought Gone Girl was a thrilling film? No, it wasn’t—and I’m not going to waste time entertaining that line of thinking when I have books to read.

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4 movies that would be ace with a female cast

I have not been as excited about a film in years as I am about the all-female Ghostbusters. Expect to see me queuing up at midnight to be the first in the cinema. So when news broke about the all-female Ocean’s Eleven remake, my face just about exploded with joy. This trend for female recastings of classic films is what I’ve been waiting for all my life, and I hope it doesn’t go anywhere soon.

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Everything I am is because of Annie James and Hallie Parker

Mean Girls Day is so last week: THIS is the most important Lindsay Lohan-related day in October. Because today, my friends, is 11th October. Today is the 29th birthday of those transatlantic twins who started my obsession with having red hair and “taking a whack at” things. Today is The Parent Trap Day.

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Hang on, did ‘Northern Lights’ predict emojis?

We all have those magical inventions in books that we just wish would come true (hello, invisibility cloak, I’m still waiting for you). And anyone who read Northern Lights 20 years ago and says they didn’t spend hours pretending to have an alethiometer is just plain lying. In Northern Lights (The Golden Compass for my friends across the Atlantic), Lyra just has to look at a series of images, each of which have a whole range of possible meanings, and she can instantly decipher a whole sentence. Amazing. But hang on—we all totally do that every day now. That’s right—we’ve been walking around with our very own alethiometers tucked in our back pockets and we never even noticed.

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What are the chances Obama will join Taylor Swift on the 1989 stage?

Look, let’s just get this out there: I know the time for Taylor Swift special guest jokes is over. They were fun while they lasted, but they were done to death and now nobody is interested. I just did a quick search on Twitter and it is most definitely not trending. But hey, I told you guys my pop culture references are always too late. And anyway, I’m not writing this as a joke. I’m writing this because it might actually happen, and I need to be able to say “I told you so”. So, I am officially placing my bet that Barack Obama will join Taylor Swift on stage before the 1989 tour is over.

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15 thoughts I had watching ‘The Great British Bake Off’ for the first time

It’s that strange time of year again when everyone I know suddenly gets glued to a show called The Great British Bake Off. This has always been baffling to me. Why on Earth would anyone want to watch a show called The Great British Bake Off? Do you guys not know that Netflix exists?

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Was Dean Rory’s best boyfriend—or do I just have terrible taste?

As I’ve got older, I’ve gone through a lot of strange and unnerving changes. For example: I like doing laundry now. I prefer eating summery salads to devouring ten chocolate brownies in one go. I like white wine more than Smirnoff Ice. And I think Dean was Rory’s best boyfriend.

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6 signs I might actually BE the eggplant emoji

This whole blog idea came about from a pretty major crisis of identity, involving the eggplant emoji. I’d been spending a lot of time on Twitter, and soaking up all the eggplant humour that goes with it (hence it being implanted in my brain as an eggplant emoji—even though it is quite clearly an aubergine). Anyway, I was half way through composing a hilarious eggplant-related “that’s what she said” tweet when it hit me. The eggplant emoji is so me.

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