Shonda Rhimes’ ‘Year of Yes’ is all about falling in love—with yourself

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all! Despite being English, I feel entitled to join in the Thanksgiving spirit this year due to the fact I am currently writing this from the US of A, and am shortly off to devour a feast of sweet potato mash and pumpkin pie. And I’m also feeling particularly Thanksgiving-y because of the book I read on the plane over here: Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes.

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Jane Austen: Where to start, and how to fall in love

It’s one of the most troublesome parts of my life that not all my best friends adore Jane Austen as much as I do. Some of them—dare I say it—don’t even like her. Some of them haven’t even read her, and to be honest I’m not sure why I’m still friends with those ones. (Yeah, I’m looking at you, Christy.) I think that a lot of people have the wrong idea about what kind of writer Jane Austen actually is, and it puts them off before they’ve even got started. But the truth is that almost any kind of reader can fall in love with Jane Austen—and I’m here to tell you how.

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Reading round-up: My October shelf

A question I’ve been asking myself this month: if you don’t have heaps of bubbles, a glass of prosecco and a good book—is there even any point having a bath? (Answer: nope.) As this October chill has crept in, and London has turned a little greyer and a little dirtier—my bubbles have become the highlight of my evenings. And these are the books I’ve been submerged in while I’m…submerged.

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