6 films that actually rival the books (but don’t quite win)

I’m one of those annoying people you probably don’t want to go to the cinema with, because no matter how much you love the movie we just watched together, I’ll instantly tell you that it just wasn’t as good as the book. You liked The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Sorry, I’m going to bitch about it all the way home. You thought Gone Girl was a thrilling film? No, it wasn’t—and I’m not going to waste time entertaining that line of thinking when I have books to read.

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4 movies that would be ace with a female cast

I have not been as excited about a film in years as I am about the all-female Ghostbusters. Expect to see me queuing up at midnight to be the first in the cinema. So when news broke about the all-female Ocean’s Eleven remake, my face just about exploded with joy. This trend for female recastings of classic films is what I’ve been waiting for all my life, and I hope it doesn’t go anywhere soon.

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I first met Hilary Duff in her pyjamas

If you did Halloween even remotely right, you will have watched Casper Meets Wendy last night. This supernatural straight-to-video Casper sequel wasn’t even critically panned; it seems to have just been critically ignored. Bringing it some much-deserved attention is basically my sole mission in life—not least because it introduced the world to Hilary Duff. And Hilary Duff has been behind everything I have ever loved.

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The third time Mara Wilson changed my life

Mara Wilson was the first person I ever followed on Twitter. This was at least three years ago, long before most non-famous people dared actually use Twitter; back then, it was strictly for following Stephen Fry. So I thought long and hard about whose tweets I would first allow into my empty timeline, and came up with a slightly unexpected answer: the little girl from Matilda. And what a good decision that was.

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How to start a revolution from your bedroom

Being a feminist (which I hope you all are now after my post on why you should be) can be a bit of an emotional roller-coaster. Some days I feel like punching the air in triumph—and other days I feel like crying in my bedroom in despair. Two days ago, I went to see Suffragette and had the latter response—but I also read a book this month that gave me the former. Just to keep you on your toes, I’m going to tell you about both.

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Everything I am is because of Annie James and Hallie Parker

Mean Girls Day is so last week: THIS is the most important Lindsay Lohan-related day in October. Because today, my friends, is 11th October. Today is the 29th birthday of those transatlantic twins who started my obsession with having red hair and “taking a whack at” things. Today is The Parent Trap Day.

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I was addicted to ‘Titanic’ but now my heart will go on

On 1st September 1998, something happened to change my life forever, and send me into a spiral of obsession worthy of its own TLC show. That was the day that my mum brought home a new VHS for us all to watch—and that VHS was of Titanic. Yes, I was addicted to Titanic—and here’s my (not at all ridiculous) sob story.

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