4 movies that would be ace with a female cast

I have not been as excited about a film in years as I am about the all-female Ghostbusters. Expect to see me queuing up at midnight to be the first in the cinema. So when news broke about the all-female Ocean’s Eleven remake, my face just about exploded with joy. This trend for female recastings of classic films is what I’ve been waiting for all my life, and I hope it doesn’t go anywhere soon.

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I’m a FEMINIST—because humanist just doesn’t cut it

A disconcerting number of celebrities and role models seem to think they’re doing an awful lot of good for mankind by declaring themselves a humanist or an equalist instead of a feminist. And as disappointing as this is, I do get it. In fact, two years ago, I called myself the exact same thing. Like them, I didn’t think feminism quite covered it. But I was wrong.

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So what exactly did gender-swapping ‘Twilight’ achieve?

When Twilight first came out, and captured the hearts of teenage girls across the world, I flat-out refused to read it. I mean, it was a story about vampires—and I was trying to be one of the cool kids at school. My friends had to literally hold me down and dangle the book in front of my face before I deigned to read a word of it. (Of course, I then got totally hooked on it, read all four, and attended midnight screenings of the movies wearing a “Team Jacob: the Cullens don’t come here” t-shirt—but if you tell anybody that, I’ll have to kill you.) So trust me, I had zero interest in buying the 10th anniversary edition. That is, until Stephenie Meyer surprised us all by announcing that this time… the vampire was the girl.

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4 reasons ‘Matilda’ isn’t as feminist as you think

Daring to diss Matilda is about as terrifying as criticising Beyonce or One Direction; either move puts you at risk of being attacked by an army of full grown women who wouldn’t hesitate to rip off your face. So it is with serious hesitation that I’m writing this: I think Matilda is just a little bit…horribly sexist.

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