I did shots with the women who made the internet a safe space for me

Up until 27 October 2014, the internet was a pretty scary place for women. Even if we managed to get our voices published, we were often on the receiving end of some pretty nasty trolling: comments about our weight, rape threats, and other misogynistic hate. It could feel rather overwhelming. That is, until a team of super-awesome women got together and set up the website Femsplain.

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Twitter is a high school cafeteria, and I don’t know where to sit

When I started using Twitter at the beginning of this year, I started following a bunch of women who write for all the sites I admire. I could see this whole lovely support group of HelloGiggles ladies and Femsplain girls, with their matching hand-drawn avatars and their impressive follower counts. They shared each other’s articles, and they starred each other’s tweets. I was just starting out as a writer, and I wanted in.

So I followed them all, tweeted at them excitedly, and waited for the internet love to pour my way. And nothing happened.

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6 signs I might actually BE the eggplant emoji

This whole blog idea came about from a pretty major crisis of identity, involving the eggplant emoji. I’d been spending a lot of time on Twitter, and soaking up all the eggplant humour that goes with it (hence it being implanted in my brain as an eggplant emoji—even though it is quite clearly an aubergine). Anyway, I was half way through composing a hilarious eggplant-related “that’s what she said” tweet when it hit me. The eggplant emoji is so me.

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