The third time Mara Wilson changed my life

Mara Wilson was the first person I ever followed on Twitter. This was at least three years ago, long before most non-famous people dared actually use Twitter; back then, it was strictly for following Stephen Fry. So I thought long and hard about whose tweets I would first allow into my empty timeline, and came up with a slightly unexpected answer: the little girl from Matilda. And what a good decision that was.

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I did shots with the women who made the internet a safe space for me

Up until 27 October 2014, the internet was a pretty scary place for women. Even if we managed to get our voices published, we were often on the receiving end of some pretty nasty trolling: comments about our weight, rape threats, and other misogynistic hate. It could feel rather overwhelming. That is, until a team of super-awesome women got together and set up the website Femsplain.

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Twitter is a high school cafeteria, and I don’t know where to sit

When I started using Twitter at the beginning of this year, I started following a bunch of women who write for all the sites I admire. I could see this whole lovely support group of HelloGiggles ladies and Femsplain girls, with their matching hand-drawn avatars and their impressive follower counts. They shared each other’s articles, and they starred each other’s tweets. I was just starting out as a writer, and I wanted in.

So I followed them all, tweeted at them excitedly, and waited for the internet love to pour my way. And nothing happened.

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