Shonda Rhimes’ ‘Year of Yes’ is all about falling in love—with yourself

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all! Despite being English, I feel entitled to join in the Thanksgiving spirit this year due to the fact I am currently writing this from the US of A, and am shortly off to devour a feast of sweet potato mash and pumpkin pie. And I’m also feeling particularly Thanksgiving-y because of the book I read on the plane over here: Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes.

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We need to talk about Kesha

OK, we seriously need to talk about Kesha. Hang on, hear me out here. This isn’t like all those other times I’ve needed to talk about Kesha only to tell everyone that I believe she’s the Keith Richards of our generation, or that sometimes I imagine she’s my daughter and get really proud of her. You all thought those stories were weird and that I shouldn’t tell them again, so fine. But this time, we really need to talk about Kesha.

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I first met Hilary Duff in her pyjamas

If you did Halloween even remotely right, you will have watched Casper Meets Wendy last night. This supernatural straight-to-video Casper sequel wasn’t even critically panned; it seems to have just been critically ignored. Bringing it some much-deserved attention is basically my sole mission in life—not least because it introduced the world to Hilary Duff. And Hilary Duff has been behind everything I have ever loved.

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The third time Mara Wilson changed my life

Mara Wilson was the first person I ever followed on Twitter. This was at least three years ago, long before most non-famous people dared actually use Twitter; back then, it was strictly for following Stephen Fry. So I thought long and hard about whose tweets I would first allow into my empty timeline, and came up with a slightly unexpected answer: the little girl from Matilda. And what a good decision that was.

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Louise O’Neill is speaking and we all need to listen

At 4:30 yesterday afternoon, I began reading Louise O’Neill’s Asking For It. I finished it at 11:59 that same night. Completely drained, I felt like bursting into tears of rage and helplessness. For the entire evening (with a short break to watch Forrest Gump with my family, which didn’t help with the whole wanting-to-cry thing) I had been immersed in the harrowing story of a teenage gang-rape victim. And yet, although I was thoroughly exhausted, all I wanted to do was get started straight away on O’Neill’s other novel Only Ever Yours. Because what Louise O’Neill has to say is that important. What O’Neill has to say can’t wait until morning.

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I did shots with the women who made the internet a safe space for me

Up until 27 October 2014, the internet was a pretty scary place for women. Even if we managed to get our voices published, we were often on the receiving end of some pretty nasty trolling: comments about our weight, rape threats, and other misogynistic hate. It could feel rather overwhelming. That is, until a team of super-awesome women got together and set up the website Femsplain.

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Dolly Alderton is the reason your News Feed is full of my blog posts

Just six months ago, I was working in film production, and I wasn’t spamming anyone’s Twitter timelines with links to my blog. I’d painstakingly worked my way up from Receptionist at a Soho post house, to a Production Assistant, to the Producer of my own series. Things were going really well—when I decided to drop the whole thing. Why? Because of Dolly Alderton.

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This love letter to Mindy Lahiri is also a love letter to myself

It is two days until The Mindy Project starts up again, and I can barely think about anything else. Mainly because I haven’t yet worked out how to watch it on Hulu from the UK, and without a Hulu subscription, so I have a lot of figuring-out to do. But also it’s because I’m just that excited to hang out with Mindy Lahiri again.

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JoJo is about to be the next Taylor Swift—and I’m calling it now

In case you missed it (which you might have, because this news did not blow up as much as I expected), two weeks ago JoJo released three new singles. Yep, that JoJo. It’s been more than ten years since we were singing ‘Leave (Get Out)’ into our hairbrushes at sleepovers, and now she’s back—with three more belters I fully expect to hear at karaoke bars across the country any minute now. Trust me, just give it a few years and we’ll be seeing her welcome Taylor Swift to the stage on the JoJo World Tour.
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Thanks to Zoella, I look bangin’ today—and other things

If I ever need to go up on stage and make an acceptance speech, I know the first person I’ll be thanking: it will be beauty blogger Zoella. I know I’m a little tardy to the party on this one, but I have just got into Zoella in a big way. She’s hilarious, she’s sassy, she’s really great at accents—and thanks to her hair tutorials, I look bangin’ today. But that’s not all I’m thankful to her for.

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